Service Opportunities

Acolytes are 7th & 8th grade confirmation class volunteers from the congregation who assume the responsibility of lighting and extinguishing the candles before and after worship services. 

Altar Guild

Altar Guid is a group of volunteers who serve the Lord and church by caring for the altar, vestments, communion vessels, altar linens, the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Great care is taken during the preparation and cleaning of the altar. Altar Guild also ensures that the place of worship is prepared and set up for the church seasons using the paraments. Members may sign up to serve either a weekend or month, schedule is found in the Narthex. 

Flowers may also be donated or money given to the flower fund for general use. 

If you are interested in signing up or would like to know more please contact Amy Schueler or Tisha Laley for more details.

Audio Visual Technology

Volunteers set up and operate equipment to enhance the church services through microphones, video recorders and sound mixing equipment in order to record the service for church records. Those unable to attend service may watch online or request a DVD. 


This is a very active group that seeks to enhance health and fittness by working out every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00pm-8:00pm. 

To join contact Denise Schumm. 

Ladies Aid Society

Ladies Aid invites women to be of service:

  • at funeral luncheons
  • bake sales
  • providing items for parsonage
  • helping with compassion projects
  • bringing meals to shut-ins or those recently home from the hospital
  • and much more

For more information please contact the President of Ladies Aid, Deaconess Wendy Boehm.


Mission Statement: Assist each woman of the LCMS church in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.

Lutheran Women's Missionary League is the official auxiliary of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. LWML encourages and equips women to live in active mission ministries and to support global missions. Each woman is encouraged to use their specific abilities as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness.

For more information please contact the President Vicki Schallhorn or the Vice President Delores Scheumann.  


The ushers serve the congregation of Bethlehem Lutheran Church so that the service can flow in decency and order, thus enhancing the worship of individuals attending and the hearing of God’s word.

For more information please contact Scott Bauermeister. 

Youth Ministry

Bethlehem Lutheran Youth Fellowship is an active group of high school teens that gather to study God's Word and serve the church and our community. For the most current information about our upcoming events and mission work, please visit our youth Facebook page or contact our youth leaders, Josh and Wendy Boehm. 

Find us on Facebook:     
